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Meet Our Founder.

Monica is a passionate speaker, delivering a powerful message about IDENTITY, MARRIAGE, SEX,  and FAMILY.  


Communicated with beauty and boldness, Monica shares her journey from world follower to Christ’s daughter, inspiring many to follow God’s truth.


Monica is former Comprehensive Sex Educator (CSE) and Title X (family planning) Training Manager trained by the LGBT community and Planned Parenthood. Her career in HIV prevention education, comprehensive sex education (CSE) and Title X training management lasted over a decade.


She thrived as an accomplished consultant, trainer, and public speaker. However, she was trained to serve the marginalized by “meeting them where they’re at,” affirming their high risk behaviors and encouraging them to use condoms and seek an abortion.


It was a combination of this philosophy, her experience in the community, her conversion to Christianity, and her personal story which prompted her to deeply question comprehensive sex education and crisis pregnancy counseling.  Her questions were not welcomed by her superiors, and she was told that if she was not pro-abortion, then she did not belong there.


Today, Monica boldly exposes the secular ideology behind comprehensive sex education, and the abortion industry, which aim to destroy our children, families, and culture.  


Monica encourages parents to RECLAIM PARENTHOOD by accepting their God given role as the primary authority and educators for their children.  She teaches parents to follow God's command in Deuteronomy 6:7 to impress God's truth onto their children continually, because IT TAKES A FAMILY to raise strong children, build healthy communities, and form a great nation.  

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